Donnerstag, 14. Mai 2009, 21:03 Uhr von Felix

As mentioned earlier, I went to Alfeld in order to celebrate my little sister’s confirmation. It was really nice and I met relatives I unfortunately do not meet as often as I would like to.

Moreover, I spent a night in Hannover with my friends Oli and Marian (thanks for the invitation) and celebrated my brother’s last leaving exam at school. Of course, I took the opportunity to take some photos that might give you an impression what it looks like where I grew up: in a provincial, but nice-to-look-at backwater in the South of Lower Saxony.

I forgot to take pictures of the „Planetenhaus“, another great timbered house. I am going to post a follow-up. When? Well, „otro dia“.

Next flight, last flight

Mittwoch, 13. Mai 2009, 20:44 Uhr von Felix

Booked some flights today: my brother will come over in the first week of June. We are going to spend some days in Dublin and around. On the 8th of June, I will accompany him on his flight back to Hamburg and then will stay in Germany for good.
So let it be written, let it be done.

Spring Semester CAs

Donnerstag, 07. Mai 2009, 23:15 Uhr von Felix

While this entry might be a rather boring for the average reader, it might be of value for future or potential ITT Dublin students. You have been warned.

In Advanced Databases there was one practical CA in one of the labs and one theory test in class. In the former we had to create DDL and DQL statements using Oracle’s object-relational features. The in-class test was about indexes (including some calculations) and the architecture of Oracle instances. Both CAs were not too hard if you had put in some work before and I am contended with my results.


Wow, 64MB of flash storage! The three best students in this semester’s first CA in Economics were rewarded with an unbelievably huge flash drive. I achieved 100%, so I got one. If anyone has a creative idea what to do with merely 64MB, tell me via the comments.
Needless to say that I did not really make friends in class with that result. „Does lightning strike twice?“ they asked me cheeky before the second CA. Well, I did not crack the 100% again, but still, I had a very good result and was the best in class. I’m somewhat proud of that (would I tell you otherwise?), because I was able to answer macroeconomic questions that are rather heavy on theory, despite the fact that my command of the English language is far from perfect. I’m confident and don’t have a reason to be afraid of the upcoming exam.

For International Business I had to research the reasons for Ireland’s success in attracting Foreign Direct Investment and argue what should be done in order to maintain the current level of FDI or at least minimise reductions. I had a bit of a hard time to finish it, because of all the travelling during the Easter break. Actually, I wrote some bits of it while waiting for my flights at the airports of Dublin and Frankfurt. All in all a very interesting assignment; I am not too happy with the result, though.

This semester’s Management and Organisational Behaviour CA was very different from last semester’s, in which I had worked together with Immanuel. The two Irish girls that had joined us disappeared even before our first meeting. So I was prepared to do it all on my own this time. However, three Irish lads invited me to join their group. I happily accepted as they seemed to be nice and, in comparison to others in the class, showed some motivation. What a misconception!
The assignment was to carry out a literature review on one of three proposed topics. We had all the time in the world for that: from the beginning of the semester until the first week after the Easter break. When after some weeks the others still had not done the necessary readings in order to get into the topic, we had some kind of „crisis meeting“. It turned out, they did not even know what we were working on:
„Aren’t we working on Corporate Culture?“ one guy asked.
„No!? Organisation Development. We decided that ages ago.“ I replied and could not believe what I had heard.
That was the moment I should have pulled out and do it all myself. I did not; I was too nice, too patient. Instead, I worked and send them updates about my progress via mail including the latest version and some ideas what they could work on. No reply. In the end, after a lot of to and fro the inevitable came: I „fired“ my team after the Easter break, because they hadn’t done anything at all. I then completed everything including their parts in the remaining days: 21 pages. It was the right decision and absolutely worth it: I got a really good mark that I probably would not have gotten if I had stayed with a dysfunctional team. However, I was a bit angry at myself, because I could have saved myself a lot of stress if I had trusted my feelings earlier. A lesson learned.

For Distributed and Mobile Computing we had to analyse an interactive, secure website of our choice from an HTTP perspective. I decided to work on Bank of Ireland’s 365 online and found out that they should work on their use of Caching-related headers.
The other assignment was to develop a simple inter-active website targeted at low-end mobile devices and defend all the design decisions made in a separate document. Using very basic php5 and SQLite I built „PubTracker“, a web app that facilitates spontaneous meetings while you’re out, in one evening and wrote the document in another afternoon. The reason for all these short times? The above outlined MOB project. However, sometimes constraints can be a very positive thing: although the application is really not special at all, I’m a bit proud of it as I believe that the code is clean, concise and very elegant. Maybe, I am going to publish it for others to poke around with it if I find the time and quiet.
I had my presentation this Tuesday and the results are not yet published, but Jeremy said that the lecturer seemed impressed. Let’s see.

Good Bye, ITT

Donnerstag, 07. Mai 2009, 16:19 Uhr von Felix

Today is my last day at the ITT Dublin. I just redeemed my loyalty card for a free cappucino and have one more class in International Business to go. Tomorrow, I won’t be able to attend the one remaining lecture, because I’m going to Germany in order to attend my little sister’s confirmation. When I return to Ireland next week, there will be no more lectures, labs or classes. Just exams and a bit of paperwork.

Feels good.


Donnerstag, 07. Mai 2009, 13:07 Uhr von Felix

Yesterday, Berta, Isa, Chris and me went to a very special lecture. The subject? Folk. The lecture hall? The O2. The lecturer? Robert Allen Zimmerman, better known as Bob Dylan.

He might be old, he might be mumbling and grumpy, but the concert was awesome anyway. Bob, whose hat had the biggest flap, played the organ and told his stories while his band, all dressed in black, stayed very much invisible in the background. Whenever he reached for the harmonica, the whole audience cheered in joy.
Here are some of the great songs he played: Diesen Beitrag weiterlesen »